The Adventures of Pinocchio is a children's story about a wooden marionette who is wished to life. As a little human boy, Pinocchio wastes not time getting into all sorts of mischief, and is famously unable to lie, as his nose grows every time he attempts it.
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- Día de los muertos en México
- Harry Potter
- Escuela de Ingeniería – Literatura seleccionada
- LiFE - Literatura seleccionada
- Escuela de Medicina - Literatura seleccionada
- Florecimiento Humano - Literatura seleccionada
- Gabriel García Márquez
- Premio Nobel de Literatura - 2024 (Han Kang)
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- PrepaTEC Literatura
- Pasión por la lectura
- Gabriel García Márquez
- Premio Nobel de Literatura - 2024 (Han Kang)
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